A Time of Blessings 

Kerry Lavigne • Dec 17, 2018

Reflections on the last nine months

Whether you and your family celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas, this season marks a time of year to be conscientious for our blessings.
Over the past nine months, our little practice has grown and triumphed over numerable challenges, such as unexpected snow days (right after opening), sickness (personal, familial & staff!), hiring and training new assistants as well as the well-deserved retirement of my amazingly talented Mohs technician Sandy this past Fall.
When we started in March with a backlog of hundreds of calls of patients anxious to establish with our fledgling practice little did we know that we would be temporarily closing Dr. Lavigne's schedule to new medical dermatology as our registered patients exceeded 2,200 in only a short 6 months.
All of this would not have been possible without countless blessings, and of course hard work from everyone involved, plus a little patience from you all, our patients.
I have long been a proponent of the adage, "Let go & let God". This philosophy reminds me that blessings can come in the most unexpected ways. I pray that you and your family may have both anticipated and unexpected blessings this holiday season. Thank you for all your support and encouragement!
Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas!
We wish you a joyous time with family, friends and loved ones, and BLESSINGS for health, happiness and prosperity in the new year. ~ Dr. Lavigne

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