Falling back into place

Kerry Lavigne • Sep 06, 2020

"And all at once summer collapsed into fall"- Oscar Wilde

fall trees
This year has brought more than its fair set of trials to our practice, our region, our state, our nation and our world.  I feel such a sense of loss as I am sure so many of us do with regard to the natural order of our lives and our activities. As challenging as it has been crafting a plan for our practice and our patients, I cannot imagine the burden which presently rests with our educators contemplating the safety of school staff and our children amidst the chaos that is COVID-19. I pray that as the school year opens in a very unconventional way, that our community will remain healthy and continue with the dedication to safety we have demonstrated all along.
I would like to also offer my sincerest appreciation for the large number of cards and well wishes I have received over the last month.  Some of you may be aware that I had to have a total hip replacement at the very end of July and as a result I have been out of the office for the month of August.  I remain extraordinarily grateful to Dr. Alise Curry who once again provided phenomenal care to our patients in my absence. It is not always easy for physicians to address her or his own health care needs, but it was clear that I was at my functional limit. Having experienced what it is like to attempt to work through excruciating chronic pain, my heart goes out to those who cannot find relief.  I remain ever grateful for the extraordinary care I received from Dr. Tom Mitchell at Pen Bay Orthopedics as well as Dr. George Babikian at Maine Medical Partners Orthopedics for their remarkable skill in helping me through this incredibly difficult time.  I cannot recommend them highly enough.
Things are beginning to fall back into place for us at Camden Dermatology & Mohs Surgery as well, and most excitingly we will have a new dermatologist joining us very shortly (to be covered in a separate post).  After a very comprehensive search, I was also thrilled to hire a new operations manager who began with us this month. Please welcome Dave Largen to the practice.  Dave joins us from most recently serving as Manager of Spruce Point Inn in Boothbay Harbor for many years.  He is excited to make the transition to serving patients and our staff with the same level of pride and courtesy that is customary in the hospitality industry.  
With so many things occurring all at once I never got to express my formal appreciation for the service and dedication shown by both CC Hayden and Brittany Kenniston over the past two years.  CC has relocated back to her home state of Connecticut to be closer to family and Brittany had a wonderful opportunity to be full time with her family's business.  We miss them both very much, and wish them every success. 
We are looking to make changes to our patient flow including transitioning back to having an in person front desk assistant as well as a highly controlled, socially distanced waiting room environment so you can expect to hear more about this coming soon.
Thank you again to our patients for all your understanding in these last very difficult months. 

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For those who may have missed it, this was a lovely interview piece written by George Harvey for the PenBay Pilot in April. It summarizes our early response to the COVID crisis and confirms we have an AMAZING team here at CDMS!!
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